Frequently Asked Questions

1.     What kind of people are drawn to spiritual guidance?

Individuals who sense and seek deeper connections to a Higher Power may be drawn to spiritual guidance. They may yearn for more awareness of its movements in their lives. There is no prerequisite for engaging in spiritual guidance, no set of qualifying characteristics.  All that is necessary is the sincere desire for it.

 2.     What do clients discuss with the guide during a session?

The topics are many and varied. Individuals may want to share significant spiritual experiences with a guide who will listen attentively, with interest and openness.  Others may be in the midst of major life transitions (or  minor ones) and desire guidance with discernment around the actions and decisions surrounding them.  Still others may be seeking an authentic spiritual path for themselves but want help determining a clear direction and set of practices that will be of most benefit.  For some, their spiritual lives have grown stale and they want to feel more connected to Spirit.  In contrast, others may sense growth in their spiritual lives and want to savor that and have someone in their lives with whom they can celebrate. 

3.     What kind of training does a spiritual guide receive?

While there is no standard certification for spiritual directors, there are clear principles outlined by Spiritual Directors International (SDI), the leading professional organization in the field.  The program from which I received training, the Spiritual Guidance and Training Institute (SGTI), aligns itself closely with these principles as it prepares its students.  

4.     How is spiritual guidance different from therapy or pastoral counseling?

This is a common question. On the surface, spiritual guidance, therapy, and counseling may look similar.  They all use active listening with clients. They all offer a safe, supportive environment as well as confidentiality.  There may also be some overlap in what is presented by the client during any given session.  They have, however, some important differences:

  • Spiritual guides are not specifically trained in psychotherapy or counseling methodology (although some therapists or counselors choose to add spiritual direction to their repertoire).

  • Therapy or counseling assumes an issue as the starting point for work with the client. Spiritual guidance doesn’t.  

  • Therapy or counseling may be short- or long-term, focused on addressing specific mental health issues or other life stresses or conflicts. Spiritual guidance may be short- or long-term, focused on providing companionship for an internal, spiritual journey.

  • Therapy or counseling may be fully or partially covered by insurance. Spiritual guidance is not.

    Keep in mind that some people receive both spiritual guidance and therapy/counseling simultaneously. Some pursue them at separate times in their lives.  The services can often provide a complement to one another. Spiritual guidance, however, is never a substitute for needed therapy. 

 Understand that a spiritual guide is ethically responsible to notify a client when their work together begins to enter territory that is best addressed by a licensed therapist or counselor.

5.     Is it OK to seek spiritual guidance if I am not religious?

 It is absolutely OK to seek spiritual guidance if you fit this category. In fact, people who regard themselves as spiritual-but-not-religious, spiritually independent, agnostic, spiritually fluid, etc. are rapidly rising in number.  These individuals may or may not affiliate with specific religious traditions, but often desire and welcome the opportunity to explore their spiritual selves in a safe environment, with someone trained to provide companionship on this type of journey.

 6.     What if I want spiritual guidance, but am not sure whether we will be a good fit?

Establishing a good-fit relationship is important to your experience in spiritual guidance. This is why I offer a complimentary “first conversation” session to potential clients prior to any paid, individual appointments.  This allows us to begin to get to know each other and for you to more fully understand what will happen within spiritual guidance sessions.

In the case of group spiritual guidance, a no-cost orientation is required, prior to the start of the actual sessions, so that each potential member can make an informed decision about whether to commit to participation. The orientation allows us to establish initial rapport and trust and will address the process we will use during a series of sessions. It will also highlight the mutual agreements that will be necessary to create an effective group of this nature.

 7.     What is the cost of spiritual guidance?

 Please use the PAYMENT tab on the navigation bar for current fees and payment options.

8. Why is there a cost for spiritual guidance?

A fee makes the services I offer sustainable for me to deliver. Although I view this work as a calling, there is a substantial investment of personal time and money and continued education involved to provide the highest quality I can offer — before, during, and between sessions. Charging a fee helps me recoup most of my costs and be sure I am maintaining my own financial health.

A fee also connotes value. When you pay for a service, there is continuous re-evaluation of its importance to you. It helps you remember the significance of the time you’re investing and can help you stay engaged in the process. A fee also brings with it some clarity and definition regarding our relationship during the guidance process. It signifies that the designated time is solely about you. It may help you relax and let any conversation and activity be focused on your own spiritual journey…and nothing else.

For all other questions, please reach out using the contact feature of the website.